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| Commercial Real Estate | Cape Cod, MA | Tsakalos Realty Trust

Thomas Tsakalos, Trustee - Tsakalos Realty Trust (Commercial Real Estate) came to the USA from Greece in 1972 with approximately twenty-four dollars in his pocket. He had the "American Dream".

From that time in 1972 until now, his determination and business savvy have been nothing short of inspiring. He's always ready to roll up his sleeves and get to work to bring his dreams to reality. 

Thomas Tsakalos is a true definition of the word "Entrepreneur", as outlined in the storyline below.

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1972 - Arrived in the U.S. from Greece.

1973 - Worked at Minerva Pizza in Sagamore.

1975 - Purchased Sandwich Pizza House.

1976 - Purchased Sandwich Mini-Mall, where Sandwich Pizza House is located.

1980 - Purchased 5 ½ Acres of land and built Canterbury Plaza.

1991 - Purchased Trade Winds Plaza and completed the construction there.

1997 - Purchased the land and began the seven structure, three phase project known today as Heritage Park Plaza.

2001 - Established and currently operating Heritage Theaters, Inc.

2004 - Established and currently operating Heritage Familiy Entertaintment Center, Inc.

2010 - Established and currently operating 

Liberty Laundromat & Dry Cleaning Services.

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